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As the circle of life goes on, I have come to the stage that I am now an elder for my younger friends. When I was in law school, I wasafraid I had no one there to help me and that I would have more competitors thanfriends. As the semester went on, I developed a great friendship with one of myclosest friends in law school because she offered help to me when I was in atime of need. My friend reached out to me when she saw that I was worried, thisbecoming a moment I will never forget. She was someone who could have just wenton about her day, but she showed me that the concept of COPE is effective. Shesat me down and communicated what she felt was needed to be addressed regardingmy studies. Then she offered to be a help, she offered support by being a guidein any situation that I needed to be successful.


The positivity aspect was one that I needed more than ever.Her positive attitude kept me upbeat and never let me feel like anything wasless than great. Even if I didn’t do well, she made sure that I felt positiveby telling me this is just one small bump in the road and watch the next timeyou will do amazing. The empowerment aspect is what helped me grow and was thepiece that I needed the most. Never did she just do anything for me and walkaway, but she empowered me to know I can do this! Her actions and words gave methe empowerment to believe in my abilities, which I never believed I could dobut the empowerment she gave me changed that into the ultimate belief inmyself. I was given an opportunity this week to do something similar for afriend and it felt great to just give him the positivity to do his best. We usethe concept of COPE everyday but may not realize it, however when we do, ittruly helps the other side reach their peak.

by Hassan Rahim

Finance & Compliance Manager

Finance & Compliance Manager